SEMI Standards Technical Ballots
Electronic Voting Main Page

Technical ballots are used by the SEMI Standards Program to review the technical content review of documents under development. Ballots are considered the major step in the formal approval process prior to publication of a new SEMI Standard or a revision of an existing SEMI Standard. For those new to the SEMI International Standards Program, please refer to the section About Standards, as well as the SEMI Standards Regulations, which are the rules by which the program is governed.

Cycle 6-12 is now closed. However, committees below still need more votes.

Use the pull-down menu below to browse an individual committee's technical ballots.

Browse Ballots:


Voting Pages

Select a committee below to access
that committee's voting page.

Use the indicated committee's voting page in the
ballot list when voting on intercommittee (lilac) ballots.

Forget your password?
Use this interface to access your user ID or Password.

Problems Using Your Password?
The voting system has been designed to allow the user to view all documentation required without signing into the system. SEMI Standards places their login fields near the center of the screen, and the only place you are required to use your Standards Username and Password is within the actual ballot voting page.

NOTE: Standards Usernames and Passwords will not work with the sign-in fields found on the top navigation bar of the main SEMI Website.

Comments and Suggestions?

Please send any comments or suggestions to